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The Sherwood School

Inspire, Learn, Grow

About The Sherwood School

The Sherwood School is a two-form entry community school from Nursery through to Year 6. The school is organised and managed into four main age groups:

  • Foundation stage (Nursery & Reception)
  • Key stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)
  • Lower key stage 2 (Years 3 & 4)
  • Upper key stage 2 (Years 5 & 6)

Hours of Operation 

Reception class begins at 08.50a.m. and ends at 3.20p.m. (32.5 hours per week)

Nursery morning sessions begin at 08.45a.m. and end at 11.45a.m. (15 hours per week)

Nursery afternoon sessions begin at 12.30p.m. and end at 3.30p.m. (15 hours per week)


For children in Years 1-6, the gates open at 08.40a.m. when children may enter their classrooms. The day begins at 08.50a.m. when the register is taken. The school day ends at 3.20p.m. (32.5 hours per week)


Houses & Rewards

When children join the school, they are placed into a house. With siblings being placed in the same house. There are four houses:

  • Red House
  • Yellow House
  • Green House
  • Blue House

The children are awarded points for their house. Points are awarded for:

  • Star of the week
  • 100% attendance for the week
  • Outstanding work/effort
  • Acts of kindness, independence, honesty, co-operation, listening
  • 100% scores on spelling tests and mental maths


At the end of each week, scores are collated and the winning house is announced in a Celebration assembly on a Friday. At the end of each term, the winning house will receive the house cup and will receive a prize.

Children will also receive a gold, silver or bronze certificate based on the amount of points they have received over a whole term.



Monday – Right of the Week assembly: The Headteacher will discuss the Rights Respecting school Article with the children. Also, the class attendance trophy will be awarded during this assembly for the class that had the best attendance for the previous week.

Tuesday – Class teacher or class assembly: A teacher will hold an assembly or a class will hold an assembly for both the school and parents at different times.

Wednesday – Singing assembly with Mr. Merriman

Thursday – Circle time in classes

Friday – Celebration assembly: Children will find out who is star of the week in their class and this is celebrated with the whole school. The children also find out who is in the lead with house points.