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The Sherwood School

Inspire, Learn, Grow

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Hello and welcome to Year 4!
n Year 4 this year our teaching team is Miss Chau in Maple Class and Miss Heidar in Birch Class. Our Teaching Assistants will be Mrs Bernard and Mrs Janman.

Key Information:

Our focus this year is to make sure all children make progress and achieve their full academic potential. Children will take the Multiplication Tables Check in the summer term and we will be supporting children with their multiplication fluency throughout the year. Our teaching team is dedicated to working with all children to meet their individual learning needs.
The learning in Year 4 has been carefully planned to represent the varying needs and interests of the children, whilst ensuring that all children are engaged and succeed in their learning challenges.

In order to make the Year 4 curriculum more relevant and exciting for the children, it is delivered through a literacy-rich medium, using texts which are linked to our learning in other subject areas, for example, history or geography.


Merton on the March song - Keep the home fires burning

Pack Up Mashup! (Demo).mp3

Time to Remember (Demo).mp3