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The Sherwood School

Inspire, Learn, Grow

Gold Arts Mark Award

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the GOLD Artsmark. Our Statement of Impact was submitted in July 2022 and has been assessed by the Arts Council. It is available to read below. 

We are very proud to have achieved this prestigious award which demonstrates our ongoing commitment to providing a varied and engaging range of learning opportunities within the arts for children who attend our school. 


Feedback from the Arts Council is shared below:


'Despite the challenges of staff restructuring and Covid lockdowns the school has enlivened its arts offer and has a number of new projects and forms of provision on the go. These include:

  • weekly expressive arts in Early Years and Year 1 led by Artis professionals;
  • weekly general musicianship skills in Year 1 and 2;
  • weekly instrumental lessons in KS2 (violin, guitar, ukulele, recorder);
  • 3 drama workshops and performances with Polka / Wimbledon Theatre;
  • 12 performances led by children for the community;
  • 4 workshops with local artists and photographers;
  • 7 x after-school clubs running over 10 weeks including: KS1 and KS2 choir, textiles, drama, dance, art and music;
  • 3 arts competitions;
  • 2 x termly teacher-led CPD sessions on arts practices.


As well as embedding the Arts within your stronger curriculum offer you are also establishing a range of exciting after school clubs, which include recorder and violin, the Polka 'Freefalling' club and music nurture group. You have also included creative booster schemes like 'Write Here, Write Now' which supports writing development and involved the wider community in imaginative ways - inviting guests in to deliver exciting workshops.

You are clearly excited by the way the Arts feed into and reinforce your whole school values and it is great to hear that your sights are set on exploring links between the Arts and well-being or metacognitive development for example. We would encourage you to stay on that path. As you continue your journey, understanding the value of the Arts to learning in these 'big picture' terms will really enhance your ability to work with other settings and to explain the value of working in the ways that you do.'

Congratulations on your Artsmark Gold Award!