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The Sherwood School

Inspire, Learn, Grow

Keeping Children Safe Online

We have a commitment and responsibility to safeguard children and staff and this includes their online activity. Children’s use of computing at school is supervised and follows a structured teaching plan according to the national curriculum programmes of study, helping children to learn progressively about online safety issues during their time at school.  


Internet access at school, provided through the London Grid for Learning, is strictly filtered and monitored to ensure that children are as safe as possible when using computers at school.


We teach children to follow SMART rules to keep themselves safe online:

Safe - keeping personal data safe

Meeting can be dangerous

Accepting emails from untrustworthy sources can lead to problems

Reliable – people and information may not be reliable

Tell and adult if someone or something makes you uncomfortable


At the Sherwood we see online safety as a shared responsibility between school and home. Many children now have access to the internet through the use of smart phones, tablets, laptops, and games consoles. Therefore it is both of our responsibilities to ensure the children are using this technology in a safe environment. Below you will find several useful links directing you to websites to guide you on keeping your child safe online.


Year 5 & 6 Mobile Phone Charter