English as an Additional Language
At The Sherwood School, many of our pupils are learning English as an Additional Language. Collectively we speak twenty seven different languages. Our teachers are available to help your child should you need support. At The Sherwood School, we understand that starting school whilst learning a new language can be challenging for pupils and their families.
We aim to support pupils new to English to quickly make friends and feel at home within the Sherwood community. The links below will help you to prepare your child for starting school in Reception and provides information about school in the UK. The documents are available in translation the languages below as well as English. Please click on the languages in blue for the translations of the following documents;
- Preparing your child for school – this free download gives some suggestions for parents on how to prepare their child for starting school in Year R. It is available in translation in the following languages: French, Malayalam, Nepali, Chinese, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian and Turkish.
- Key things to know about school in the UK includes information for parents about things such as attendance, Free School Meals and transport to school. This is available in different languages as well as in English. Available in the following languages: Bengali, Chinese, French, Hungarian, Italian, Malayalam, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Russian.
Helping Your Child to Learn
The Bell Foundation has created a short, easy to understand guide about helping children to learn. It has been written for parents of students who speak English as an Additional Language.
Wellbeing Guidance in 36 Languages
Going Back to School Guide
Following Covid19, the Children’s Commissioner for England (CCO) has published a guide for children returning to school after lockdown. The guide includes information on some of the changes that children might see when they go back to school, as well as tips on what to do if they are feeling worried or nervous. The Bell Foundation, with the permission of the CCO, has adapted this guide for learners who use English as an Additional Language (EAL). It is available in English and in the 17 most commonly spoken languages in English schools. It can be downloaded using the links below or by clicking this link to the Bell foundation website: