Information on Assessment for Parents and Carers
At The Sherwood School, we use a range of strategies to support teacher assessment judgements. Teachers use formative assessment strategies throughout lessons to ensure that children are making the best progress they can. Some of the strategies we use to support pupil progress and embed learning include:
- self and peer assessment
- individual target setting
- knowledge organisers
- low stakes quizzes (to help children to recall and retain information)
- written and verbal feedback
- pre and post teaching small group sessions
We also use a range of summative assessment strategies each term to support teacher judgements. We do this by setting 'Big Write' activities as well as PIRA and PUMA tests. Pupil progress is closely monitored by the Senior Leadership Team and SENDCo and reported to governors termly.
Please have a look at the PowerPoint below to find out more about our approach to assessment.