Emotional Wellbeing Trailblazer Project
The Sherwood School has been included in an exciting Trailblazer project linked with the NHS to support children and families with emotional wellbeing. The aims of the project are prevention and promotion of early help. Our team of 16 schools are supported by our partners from South West London Health and Care Partnership [NHS]. Working alongside us, we have a Clinical Psychologist and an Education Wellbeing Practitioner who are ready to work with families in our school. Our aim is to ensure our pupils enjoy good emotional well being through accessing the advice and help they need.
EWP Parent Workshop
Trailblazer Parents / Carers Presentation
Covid 19 Update to the Service
We are aware that the past few months have felt really challenging for lots of families, and as a result, it is really common for children to be experiencing some of the following challenges:
- Worries – for example worries about leaving the house, returning to school and being separated from their parent/caregiver
- Behaviour difficulties – for example not listening to instructions, rudeness and acting out
Lots of parents are also feeling more worried than usual and are unsure about to manage some of these challenges, which is understandable If you are experiencing any of the above challenges, The Emotional Wellbeing Service may be able to help! The Emotional Wellbeing Service is a team of practitioners who are usually based in school, and they offer support to parents of primary school children. The Emotional Wellbeing Service are now able to offer virtual 1:1 sessions, workshops and groups. Please read the attached flyer for more information and if you would like to enquire further about this, you can submit the attached referral form to them directly during any school holiday – InfoMertonWP@swlstg.nhs.uk