Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
At The Sherwood School, we value and aim to promote a healthy mindset and well-being in all our pupils.
As a Mental Health trailblazer school, we are supported by the NHS and outside agencies to promote positive pupil mental health. If you need support outside of school hours for your child, one of the agencies listed here may offer help. During school hours, please speak to our school office or Mrs. Hughes (SENDCo) for advice.
Staff understand and teach our pupils at The Sherwood School that everyone of us has mental health.
Mental Health, just like our physical health needs to be cared for if we are to stay fit and well. We encourage our families to approach staff should they have concerns about their child's mental health or well-being.
Your GP service is available to all parents and carers for significant or urgent Mental Health concerns.
At The Sherwood School, we are proud to have support available to parents and carers who may be concerned about the mental health or well-being of their child. In school, we currently have two members of staff, Mrs Hughes and Miss Varchione-Francis, who are trained in Mental Health First Aid and can signpost staff and / or families to support, information and appropriate help where needed. In these situations, we are keen to work in partnership with you. We aim to equip you with information so that you can make the best choice available and support your child.
The Sherwood School has two Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) who work with pupils and an Emotional Well-being Practitioner (EWP) that is available to work with you to support your child's well-being. For more information about our EWP service and to meet the practitioner please join us for our coffee morning. Information about support at The Sherwood School, including links to outside agencies, can be found below. Stay safe, Stay well.
Our Mental Health Trailblazer Project
The Sherwood School has been included in an exciting Trailblazer project linked with the NHS to support children and families with emotional wellbeing. The aims of the project are prevention and promotion of early help. Our team of 16 schools are supported by our partners from South West London Health and Care Partnership [NHS]. Working alongside us is a Clinical Psychologist and an Education Wellbeing Practitioner who are both ready to work with families across our school. We have links to the School Nursing Service, to add further support for our families. Our aim is to ensure our pupils enjoy good emotional well being through accessing the advice and help they need.
Emotional Well-being Practitioners
Emotional Wellbeing Primary Application Form
Managing Anxiety
Parental Support - Workshops and Webinars
A parent workshop – Supporting your Child with Anxiety – has been made available to schools via the NHS SWL YouTube channel. Please use the link below to access to this parent workshop presentation.
The booklet to accompany this workshop can be found above.
Join the upcoming webinars for families to support children and young people.
Support for Primary Parents
The following video advice has been made available to share with you from South West London and St Georges NHS Trust.
- Anxiety - Supporting your Child with Anxiety:
- Lockdown Support - Managing your Child’s Emotions during Lockdown:
- Returning to School after Lockdown – Supporting your Child with Anxiety: